Our range of air-to-air heat pumps can be used for single-split and multi-split installations in residential and small commercial renovation projects.
Air Conditioner Mobile Hisense
Portable air conditioner 2.6 kW cooling only
Air Conditioner Mobile Hisense
Portable air conditioner 2.6 kW cooling and heating
Air Conditioner Mobile Hisense
Portable air conditioner 3.5 kW cooling only
Air Conditioner Mobile Hisense
Portable air conditioner 3.5 kW cooling and heating
Wifi Air Conditioner Interface
Kit WiFi for Hisense indoor units
Remote Control For Air Conditioners
Wired remote control for commercial range
2.6 kW wall indoor unit multi-split with remote control kit
3.5 kW wall indoor unit multi-split with remote control kit
5 kW wall indoor unit multi-split with remote control kit
2.6 kW cassette indoor unit multi-split
3.5 kW cassette indoor unit multi-split
6 kW cassette indoor unit multi-split
5 kW cassette indoor unit multi-split
6 kW celing indoor unit multi-split
2.6 kW console indoor unit multi-split
3.5 kW console indoor unit multi-split
5 kW console indoor unit multi-split
2.5 kW wall indoor unit multi-split
2.5 kW wall indoor unit multi-split
3.5 kW wall indoor unit multi-split
3.5 kW wall indoor unit multi-split
2.5 kW wall indoor unit multi-split with UVC sterilization solution
2.5 kW wall indoor unit multi-split